Texas Veterans Commission’s Veteran Entrepreneur Program
Brief info
Greg Shigemasa is a business consultant with the Texas Veterans Commission’s Veteran
Entrepreneur Program, where he assists veterans, family members, and survivors with
starting, growing, expanding, and exiting businesses for positive economic impact. He has
20+ years of experience as a human capital performance management consultant, start-
up/small/medium-sized business consultant, government management consultant, Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and FIRO-B Practitioner. Greg is a U.S. Air Force and U.S.
Army veteran, entrepreneur, and former university faculty member of management and
entrepreneurship. In addition, Greg served as a sub-committee member of the U.S. Small
Business Administration’s Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs, and a project
advisor to the Texas A&M University BattleGround to Breaking Ground program.